Study: Lives of cancer patients extended with homeopathic treatment

Research conducted at the Medical University of Vienna (Austria) showed that the lives of cancer patients are extended when homeopathic care is added to their treatment regimes.

Know Your Remedy: Ipecacuanha (Ip)

In past times, Ipecac was used to cause vomiting after poisoning. Homeopathically it now treats vomiting accompanied by pain, bleeding, asthma or bronchitis.

Know Your Remedies: Euphrasia Officinalis (Euphr.)

Euphrasia is an important hay fever and allergy remedy. It also treats the common cold when the symptoms match.

Know Your Remedies: Urtica Urens (Urt-u.)

Urtica is an important remedy for skin complaints such as hives and burns. It’s also a useful in types of gout, rheumatism, malaria, shellfish allergy, and agalactorrhea.

Helix tosta Survey Results

Some years back we conducted a survey on a remedy with a reputation for being a snail deterrent. Here are the results from those who put their hand up to test it for us.

Know Your Remedies: Kalium Bichromicum (Kali-bi.)

Homeopathic Kalium bichromicum is a useful remedy for thick, gluey or ropy discharges. The person feels chilly, gloomy, and often complains of pains in 'small spots'.

Know Your Remedies: Chamomilla Matricaria (Cham.)

Those needing Chamomilla are abnormally sensitive to discomfort or pain: they respond with irritability and anger. Children cling and protest when put down.

Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections

Scenario: it's night. Your little one is fretful with ear pain. What to do? In four clinical trials homeopathic remedies relieved earaches and infections faster than antibiotics.

Know Your Remedies: Apis Mellifica (Apis.)

Apis treats symptoms similar to those of a bee sting – swelling, burning, prickling, stinging, and redness. These may arise from a bite, sting, allergic reaction, or even joint inflammation.