Part 1: Homeopathy and AIDS – A Letter from Africa

It is hot today, perhaps 38C, but the morning was cool and crisp, and the Kilimanjaro had a fresh coat of snow to decorate its curves. As usual, there is no water or electricity but you get used to that.

Know Your Remedies: Camphora Officinale (Camph.)

Camphora (Camph.)is an important remedy for sensations of coldness - in general or in spots - and types of collapse as may occur in sunstroke, fainting, dysentery or cholera for which it is still used with success in some countries today.

Actium’s Lipoma, & Homeopathy

Homeopathy works for animals too. Actium, a budgerigar, had a large lipoma but surgery was risky and expensive. With well-chosen remedies the tumor shrank and fell off, demonstrating a safe, natural, and cost-effective solution.

Hay Fever Help with Homeopathy

Discover hay fever self-help tips, and homeopathic remedies that either relieve its symptoms or clear them permanently.

Q. Which Potency Should I Choose?

Simple complaints can be easily be treated at home. These guidelines present potencies that could be helpful, and why.

Study: Homeopathy and Tonsillitis

The pain and inflammation of tonsillitis improved significantly in the homeopathic group, and without adverse events.

I Sniff At Homeopathy – Olfaction Dosing

Did you know that remedies can be taken by a quick sniff through the nostrils rather than just by mouth? It’s true.

Know Your Remedies: Bryonia Alba (Bry.)

Health problems worsened by movement? Irritable, especially when disturbed. Wanting to be alone? You may need Bryonia.

Q. What is Tautopathy?

The tautopathic approach can help. It's quick to use and suitable for all ages - infancy, pregnancy or old age.